1st december 2005
An interesting pot. He has good manual control. His grasp of the total was rather superficial, in fact the pot proceeded with slickness rather than feeling. He has not come forward with any further ideas.
- school report (Drawing), Eton
5th december 2005
o rocks On the left, looking back from Danté's View, Death Valley. I took this photo years ago and have only just rediscovered what the geology reminds me of: the Desert St John by Veneziano (right).
12th december 2005
a lisp of lapel "Get your coat," says one of my co-workers. "We are going to meet some Russians."
18th december 2005
Sisyphus That afternoon the wind was rushing the trees and the clouds poured across space and he felt very close to the world, like a shaken hand. When he reached the corner by the hedgerow there was a whirling in the grasses and a hare ran out and jinked left and right and into the standing corn; he stopped and straightened up and almost laughed, it seemed that it was his hare, his afternoon entirely. The stone took him up the hill and at the top he shoved it off and jogged back down the rutted track, eager to begin the work again, the way a deckhand coils down a rope for the fiftieth time and looks expectantly up and out to the horizon.